Clusia rosea Princess
In the spotlights
As well as for our flower edition, we are also always looking for exclusive products, interesting stories, passionate growers and new trends for our plant edition. V.D.E plant is a modern company that responds to the latest trends in the field of lifestyle. In addition to growing 30 different tropical pot plants, they have introduced a new line; the Clusia rosea Princess not as a pot plant, but on water. Krista van der Eijk told us everything about her passion and this new development within the company.
Hydropony is a fun emerging trend in the field of green house plants. These plants are not in a pot with soil, but with the roots in a nice glass with water. In this way, not only does the leaf give the ornamental value, but the root of the plant also contributes to a stylish interior.
As the wife of one of the owners of V.D.E plant (Edwin van der Eijk), Krista has always been involved with the company. Krista is very interested in the commercial side of their business and always tries to contribute. In addition, Krista likes to be busy with design and interior and follows the trends that she translates back to the company.
In the spotlights
Three years ago, V.D.E. started experimenting in the field of hydropony. The "Clusia rosea Princess" turned out to be very suitable for this concept. The Clusia originally grows in the rainforests of the Caribbean and South America. In its natural environment, it tolerates salty air, sandy areas and lots of light. But it also grows well in a swamp. If the Clusia lives in a moist area, it makes air roots. This means it can also grow as an epiphyte. This growth pattern offers loads of new opportunities to market this plant in different ways. In addition, the Clusia has the characteristic that it has an enormously air-purifying effect, which means it contributes even more to a healthy living environment at home or in the office.
When the company just started hydroponics, everything was done manually. The Clusia’s were grown at the nursery as a pot plant. Krista did the rinsing of the roots with water and air. But then this exclusive product was very well received by the market and the experimental days were soon over. In the past three years, such great strides have been made that it could no longer be combined with her job. Krista then decided, after working as a police officer for 20 years, to switch from the "blue" to the "green" sector, as she describes it laughingly. In the meantime, six people are already working on this line every day to process the many orders.
In addition to the Clusia, they discovered several plants that grew well on water. Initially, the variety mainly consisted of the supply of different types of glassware. Due to the expansion of the plant assortment on hydropony, it is now also possible to purchase a mixed plant selection and Krista provides nice mixes.

The Cultivation
V.D.E. is a family business, founded in 1948. Brother and sister, Edwin and Karin van der Eijk are the third generation. Together with partner Hein Visser and their employees, they grow 30 species of tropical green plants on 9 hectares.
To test
Not every plant can live on water alone. Krista has extensively tested the varieties. The plant must already be strong in the pot and have a nice root structure. The soil is removed from the roots by water and air and then the plant is put on water.
You always have to wait and see how the plant responds. Initially the plant must always get used to its new breeding ground. With some varieties only the roots keep growing, with others the plant also grows.
Intenz Home®
V.D.E. has set up their own brand, with which they have put all their exclusive plant varieties on the market. Intenz Home® stands for botanical creativity and healthy green plants. These plants are innovative, exclusive and full of character; plants with which every florist can distinguish themselves.
The hydropony line is offered under the name "Intenz Mangrove®". The concept is new, exclusive and the lighting under the glass creates an exclusive added value to the product.
Last year Krista and Karin made a tour to visit different plant stores, leaving them with some very interesting new contacts. According to Krista, this is also the power of V.D.E .; stay in touch with people, discuss trends and think innovatively.
In addition to the nursery, they have also set up a concepts store within the company, initially to get a consumer response to their products. But is has worked out so well that people now come from all over the country to buy their products.
Krista is practical, but also critical. Different sizes of glass, with different sizes of plants can be supplied. But Krista finds it important that everything is right. The model, the price and the packaging must fit. In her eyes, the concept must be comprehensive, for every size, for every product.
FloraPodium, 14 October 2019